This is where we arrive to remember who we really are...

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Channel, Mystic, Healer, Spiritual &
Intuitive Guide, Coach
 Kundalini Yoga Teacher, 
 Teacher of the Feminine Mysteries


Sacred Feminine Books We Love

Get my list of recommended reading and resources to go deeper into all aspects of the Sacred Feminine to support you when you’re looking for more!

Sacred Feminine Books We Love

Get my list of recommended books, oracles and resources, to go deeper into all aspects of the Sacred Feminine to support you on this wild, delicious ride, 

Yes Please! 

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An Aries and obsessed with boho, books, coffee and my yoga mat. (And my fur baby Milo!)  A modern day mystic at heart so love the oracle too. I have turned my life into my dreams of travel, connection, sisterhood, an international spiritual business doing what I love.

But it wasn't always this way, I struggled for a while trying to find my place in the world. To find a sense of peace too. Doubting myself, in fear of messing up, fear of being judged, not feeling good enough, which effected my work and my relationships.  I found myself in very toxic relationships. 

I dove into my past, into generational trauma, conditioning, patterns and limited thinking, cracked myself open.  Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I began healing and expanding in my own life.

So I'm here to help you find your magic, connect with your inner wisdom, intuition, gifts and medicine.  Finding your voice to speak your truth.  No more hiding. Using a combination of energy healing, sacred feminine practices, transformational coaching, intuitive and psychic work, as well as kundalini yoga prescribed kriyas I will help you find your reconnect with your magic.

Tapping into your inner Goddess, your mystical powers, and feminine wisdom, to become the visionary leader, teacher, CEO or Mom you've come here to be. Fully awakened in her Goddess energy.  And it's all about Energy!  From your health to your bank account.   

Hey love!!  

I'm Sarah

Sat Nam beauty

Do you feel the call in your bones?
She is calling you


Time to

share your medicine

 to Rise into the woman you are here to be

Intuitive Coaching
& Mentoring 

Empress Rising  Mystery

Soul Session

Hey love, I have two coaching/mentoring packages. Leadership coaching & feminine biz energetics is available in the 6 month space.

 Rebirth if you are on a difficult path right now. Feeling overwhelmed, stuck and disconnected. Experiencing the dark nights of the Soul. Feeling alone, isolated and not really knowing where to turn. Begin here. 

And The Gift. in this program you will find the support you need to heal from old wounds, leave the struggle, doubting yourself, feeling unworthy, behind.  Ascend into a new way of being.  For you if you looking to feel more connected, to your inner wisdom, gifts, & medicine  To rediscover yourself and your inner power 

Full Details Here!

3 month program exploring the feminine mysteries.  Connecting with your feminine wisdom and  medicine.  Clearing & healing generational trauma & negative karmic patterns.  Accessing a deeper layer of truth.

Exploring your Akashic Records. Divination, Channeling, Kundalini Yoga, Honing intuitive & psychic gifts. Exploring ritual & ceremony. Connecting with the energies of the Medicine Woman, the Goddess, the feminine Mystic. And being part of Sisterhood, with other women on the same path as you. Who just like you are different, feel in their bones they have something more to share with the world.

Full Details Here!

You feel stuck. Confused, unsure of your next move. Doubting yourself and what you are here to do.
You are overwhelmed 'trying' to manifest abundance into your life. Emotionally it feels like you're on some Gerbil wheel. Up one minute down the next.
Unsure of your soul gifts and purpose, 
These sessions will give you the breakthrough & clarity you need.

Full Details Here

Circles are held once a month.  And a chance to join like-minded women gathering to connect, to feel seen and witnessed. To share their story.   It is time to say no more to what has been holding you back, to begin being guided by your own intuition.  Letting go of old patterning, limiting ways and the Patriarcial conditioning.  To feel held by every woman there.  Some of the things you will experience are Kundalini Yoga, Channeling, Poetry, Ritual, Chanting, Dancing, Music, Meditation, Soul Journeying & Sisterhood. 

Both the Circle and the Ceremony women love.  In Ceremony twice a month on a new and full moon we gather to set our intentions and release what is no longer serving our highest good. Breakthroughs happen, connections are made and it is a space to feel uplifted and supported.  There is a different kind of power that exists in women circling.  We activate all the unseen support from the unseen forces around us.  We gain more clarity, when we bring who we really are into ceremony, miracles, breakthroughs happen in women's lives. 

Sacred Circles &

— Michelle Ashley

Sarah Is a gift of pure energy and divine guidance. I have never met any mentor that is so well rounded with the best of online marketing, intuitive & spiritual guidance, mindset shifts, how to get published to unleashing your authentic voice!"

— Tracy Keeping

"Anyone that gets the chance to work with Sarah is in for a treat. She's the real deal!"

— Kristine Folkes

"She truly is an amazing & gifted Intuitive Channel, Coach and Healer, and it has been an absolute pleasure working with her over the last several months."



love notes

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Hey loves, welcome to Her Sacred Medicine Podcast, A sacred space for you to connect with your inner wisdom and medicine to come home to yourself.  We will be diving into conversations from feminine rising and what this actually means., exploring the feminine mysteries, past lives, energy healing, shamanism, yoga, breath work, divination, to healing our wounds, witch wound, mother wound, sister wound healing and more.

There will be meditations, soul journey's, and actionable steps to take away and integrate into our own life. The purpose of this podcast is to help you connect with your medicine and come home to yourself. Your sacred self. As we weave in the feminine mysteries, sacred tools and practices. 

Sacred     Medicine

Launching in 2024

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ready to work together

This is the door you've been looking for!

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