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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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A Journey to Empowerment and Self-Love How to heal Spiritually from a broken heart is the focus for those that feel like they are in a never-ending cycle of attracting the wrong relationships, with people who reject, abandon, betray, ghost or discard without closure. These toxic relationships or situation-ships can leave us feeling emotionally drained, […]


How to Heal Spiritually from a Broken Heart

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The Witch is trending today.  It actually means wise one. The Witch Wound is becoming a buzzword, but let’s take a deeper look into this. It is a deep-seated trauma that has plagued women for centuries, leaving scars that still resonate today. It is a wound from the witch trials, where countless women were persecuted, […]


Heal the Witch Wound & Embrace your Inner Witch

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When a secure attachment to the mother at a young age doesn’t exist this causes the mother wound.

A secure attachment is akin to planting a seed of self-worth within a child’s heart. It’s the feeling that they matter, an essence that helps them build their sense of self and embrace a belief in themselves, who they are in the world with a strong knowing that they are significant.

Yet, when this sacred bond is missing or fractured, a child’s journey to self-discovery becomes a labyrinthine path. They grapple with understanding their own worth and often find themselves lost in the sea of self-doubt

Healing the mother wound is a journey of self discovery and self love.


7 Ways to Discover if you have a Mother Wound

Healing the Mother Wound

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Imagine a love so profound that it defies time and space, a connection that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. This is the essence of a twin flame connection, a union that promises separation, transformation, and ultimately, a profound reunion. In this soulful exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of twin […]


The Truth About Twin Flames: Separation, Transformation, and Reunion

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Sometimes it feels like the world is moving faster than we can catch up. Every day, we hear about the problems and challenges that face us – environmental disasters, economic inequality, social injustice, disease, and more; it’s as though the media has jump leads on our nervous system and consciousness.  Feeling overwhelmed and powerless in […]


Returning to Ancient Feminine Practices to Navigate Life’s Challenges

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Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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