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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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What is a Mother Wound?

Our connections with our parents, especially our mothers, weave the tapestry of our lives and spirits. It’s a journey through love and longing, moments of frustration and admiration, a dance of support and neglect. Our relationships with our moms hold within them a power that shapes us, often in ways we can’t fully grasp. Yet, what happens when this sacred bond becomes tangled with pain and unresolved issues? Enter the enigmatic concept of the “mother wound.”

The Mother wound is both a personal and cultural wound. We must first acknowledge that mothers and daughters dwell within a society that can, at times, stifle and oppress women. it’s a cultural trauma that mothers carry, along with their unique coping mechanisms, and it trickles down to their children, especially their daughters. It’s like an old, tattered family heirloom, passed down through generations, leaving its mark with every hand that holds it.

Healing the Mother Wound

Signs of the Mother Wound

How to know if you have a mother wound. Below are some of the tell tale signs. It’s a deep-rooted part of who we are. However, there are subtle signs:

  1. The relentless urge to please others, even at the cost of our own happiness.
  2. The sensation of competing with other women.
  3. The weight of societal expectations, forcing us into molds of womanhood that may not fit.
  4. The belief that we must stay small, silent, or ‘perfect’ to earn love and acceptance.
  5. A constant, trying to be good enough to measure up, no matter how hard we try it doesn’t feel like it.
  6. The struggle to establish firm boundaries or utter that all-important ‘no.’
  7. The fear of both failure and success.
  8. The yearning, whether conscious or hidden, for our mother’s blessing to live our lives to the fullest.

The mother wound doesn’t merely affect our emotions; it can manifest as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and even addiction.

Healing the Mother Wound doesn’t mean casting blame or shame upon our mothers. It’s an expedition into self-responsibility, a quest to reshape our relationship with ourselves, unburdened by our mother’s expectations or society’s judgments. Here’s the roadmap:

  • Understand that you, as a child, aren’t responsible for fulfilling your mother’s dreams or ‘saving’ her.
  • Allow your inner child to grieve for feeling unloved, shamed, or overlooked, while also acknowledging your mother’s own inner child who may have endured similar pain.
  • Embrace the beautiful messiness of motherhood; no one can wear the mantle of the ‘perfect mother’ without flaw.
  • Challenge societal norms that may have ensnared your mother in destructive cycles, and scrutinize your own adherence to disempowering thoughts or behaviors.
  • Rebuild your relationship with your mother as an adult, fortified by boundaries that nurture your personal growth and healing.

Beyond Daughters while the mother wound is often associated with daughters, sons too can carry its weight. It’s not a diagnosis but a prism through which we examine the impacts of past experiences, even leading to codependency.

In a world where patriarchal influences run deep, mothers may unknowingly pass on their wounds to their daughters, perpetuating a cycle of disempowerment. Daughters find themselves at a crossroads, torn between conforming to their mother’s beliefs for the sake of love or forging their path toward empowerment.

The Echos of the Mother Wound

When a secure attachment to the mother at a young age doesn’t exist this causes the mother wound.

A secure attachment is akin to planting a seed of self-worth within a child’s heart. It’s the feeling that they matter, an essence that helps them build their sense of self and embrace a belief in themselves, who they are in the world with a strong knowing that they are significant.

Yet, when this sacred bond is missing or fractured, a child’s journey to self-discovery becomes a labyrinthine path. They grapple with understanding their own worth and often find themselves lost in the wilderness of self-doubt.

In the presence of an emotionally attuned mother, a child is gifted the profound art of emotional reflection. This nurturing mother mirrors their feelings, assigns words to those emotions, and gently teaches them the art of managing these feelings. Here, negative emotions need not be suppressed or denied; instead, they are acknowledged and embraced, paving the way for healthy emotional growth.

However, in the absence of this emotional guidance, children are left adrift in a sea of unchecked emotions. They struggle to grasp their haven of self-soothing, never learning how to navigate the tempestuous waves of their inner world. Desperate for solace, they often turn to external comforts, such as the numbing embrace of alcohol and drugs or some other kind of addictive behaviour.

The repercussions of this wounded upbringing extend far beyond one’s inner world. The echoes of the mother wound can be felt in the realm of relationships. Adults who bear this invisible scar face challenges in forming and maintaining the cherished connections we all crave. Trust, the bedrock of any relationship, remains elusive, for they’ve never been taught the dance of trust-building. Consequently, they find it hard to open their hearts and let others in, forever yearning for the intimacy they’ve yet to experience.

The journey to heal the mother wound is a pilgrimage to the depths of one’s soul, a quest to reclaim the lost fragments of self-worth and trust. It is a sacred journey, one that beckons with the promise of self-discovery, self-compassion, and the possibility of forging genuine connections with others.

These whispers from the past can lead to diminished self-esteem, emotional turmoil, and a struggle to form meaningful connections.

Healing the Mother Wound is a Journey of Self Discovery & Self-Love

  1. Release your pain, perhaps through therapy or the sacred act of journaling.
  2. Seek out somatic healing or therapy through embodiment practices, such as yoga,
  3. Have a daily spiritual practice, meditation, mindfulness
  4. Embrace self-love and reconstruct your self-image, releasing the illusion of a ‘less-than’ self.
  5. Cultivate self-awareness, for understanding your emotions is the first step in mastering them.
  6. Nurture your inner child, re-parent yourself, and fulfill your unmet needs with self-care.
  7. Extend the hand of forgiveness, not only to your mother but to yourself, for wounds unhealed.

In some instances, forgiveness may remain elusive, and that’s alright. Seek solace and support within your network or with a compassionate therapist or coach. Join a women’s circle, a haven where you will feel seen, heard and witnessed. Where you will find the support you need. And others on a similar healing journey.

Healing the mother wound isn’t just mending the past; it’s crafting a brighter future, where you break free from the chains of generational pain.


For Sarah’s Sacred Circle email: sarah@sarahdyer.co.uk

The Journey from Self Abandonment to Healing by Susan Anderson

For more on the Mother Wound check out episode 4 on HER Sacred Medicine Podcast.

Podcast – Do I have a Mother Wound


7 Ways to Discover if you have a Mother Wound

September 21, 2023









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

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