


A modern day Mystery School to step into your Empress Energy.
your Queendom
3 Month Deep Dive into the Feminine Mysteries
for Women on the hearing the call to walk their truth  

I know where you are I've been there.  You sense so much more for yourself, you want to feel that passion for life.. connect with that bigger part of yourself.  You feel the call. You are remembering.   You are like a rose.  Stronger than you know. 

In this sacred sanctuary we support one another. Inside you will travel somewhere sacred. And go through an initiation into a new way of being. We are all looking to tap more into our gifts, to heal from our conditioning, our trauma's, to experience sisterhood, feel held, seen and heard. 

  This is a place to nurture yourself, to love your shadow, to embrace your weirdness and remember who you are. 

The ancient mother moves through us. From the Cosmos our great grandmothers are teaching us. Our ancestors want more for us. We are all hearing the call. In this Aquarian Age we are being asked to step up and lead from the feminine. Now is the time to go on these deep inner inquiries, these soul journeys to break the spell we have all been under, as the world needs your medicine.

Mystery School is a place where together we grow and reclaim parts of our sacred memory that we lost. We circle, we remember our medicine, our gifts.  We raise our vibration. 

If you've found yourself struggling in your relationships, in your relationships, you've been an over giver  and are over attracting the wrong relationships.  And are ready to say goodbye to those people that hurt you.  That only take from you.  You will become the one in your own life to attract your equal. 

No more to second guessing yourself and that nagging feeling of not being good enough and not trusting your intuition.

This is a place to nurture yourself, to love your shadow, to embrace your weirdness and remember who you are. 

We are all hearing the call. In this Aquarian Age we are being asked to step up and lead from the feminine. Now is the time to go on these deep inner inquiries, to break the spell we have all been under, as the world needs our medicine. This is the rising divine feminine.

We are letting go the old, letting go of ancestral pains, patterns, karmic ties, soul contracts that no longer serve us.  
Healing our mother and ancestral lines with the Grandmothers, healing our witch and sister wounds. We dive into our own inner temples to heal and awaken parts of us that we had forgotten.  Mystery School is helps you to remember who you are, and claim your magic.

We come together to rise each other up, as we did many years ago. To hold space for each other, lift each other up. Share our stories. Heal our past hurts. Claiming our birthright, owning our gifts, moving into the world with a new found confidence. 

You know you are mean't for more! 

 The time for hiding and fearing your own voice, and playing small is over.   So many women are experiencing challenges right now in relationships, finances, and general wellbeing, we're being called to wake up.  And remember who we are.  The wounded feminine is looking for a way to heal.  To rise into the feminine leader you are here to be.   Those voices you hear come from lifetimes of abuse to the feminine, past down from your mother, your grandmothers.  Fear of not being good enough, worthy enough but the time right now is ripe to bring a death to this old paradigm. 

 You've outgrown who you once were.  I know how disconnected you feel.  I was there. A new you is on the horizon.. You desire to feel in touch with your soul gifts, femininity, creativity, intuition.  And connected to the feminine mysteries and wisdom keepers, higher realms and healing. To become the Empress in your own life.  

Mystery School is a sanctuary, a vortex that will support you in doing just this.  

We meet our shadow, this is the real work for our soul gifts to shine through, for us to attract the better relationships. To be more connected to our own intuition.  Releasing what's been keeping us stuck, hiding from the world. 

We shine a light on the darkness. So much healing comes from this space. Shifting your frequency from lack to fulfilment.  We support each other to rise into embodied feminine leaders. 

 You will explore your own Akashic Records, you will find your sacred path connecting with your inner wisdom. You will explore past lives that are influencing your today, your relationships and your vibration and release this and any soul contracts for healing & breaking the chains of ancestral patterns.  
Discovering how to tap into and enhance your own feminine gifts. Clearing unconscious energies holding you back.  To stop second guessing yourself, laying a new foundation to go places you've never gone before.  She will lead you into divine holy riches on all levels, not just monetary, but on the inside too as she guides you into your own sacred sanctuary. 

This program has been designed for women who know it's time to reconnect with themselves on a whole new level, go where they've never gone before.   Explore the mysteries, and what lies in the shadow.  Tapping into  their own inner medicine. To rise into their own feminine leadership, leaving any victim mentality and moving into being the Empress in their own life.  Attracting and experiencing better relationships. And doing the work they've come here to do. 

If you could detox from all the  drama & conditioning, that has held you back.  To feel confident. empowered and free. To finally know what you are here to do.  Feeling confident doing just that.
By stepping fully into your divine feminine magic.

Just imagine...

Being part of a sacred sisterhood of women who are bringing their gifts into the world, leaving their doubts and blocks behind.  Stepping into their feminine power. Rising together, creating magical experiences together. 

Living your truth and creating a life in alignment with that. Trusting your intuition and making decisions based on what you feel rather than knee jerk reactions and what you think is right!   

An Empress knows her worth, She knows what she is here to do

your terms?

So Sister if this is you! 

You can sense the woman inside, you long to free your voice, own your gifts, become the Empress in your own life.  To make a bigger contribution.

But feel a little stuck. Confused, unsure of your next move. Doubting yourself.  You are ready to let go of the stories, the abandonment wound, the mother wounds, and straighten your crown.  And experience healthier relationships. 

You've been overwhelmed 'trying' to manifest abundance in your life. Emotionally it feels like you're on some merry go round as you  find it difficult to trust your intuition so often miss or don't trust yourself and the signs

You desire to feel more confident, empowered, inspired and to own your gifts, talents and worth in the world. To feel like you are contributing in a more meaningful way.  You can sense the Wild woman inside you wanting more for herself. She knows. 

You're ready to heal the witch wound.  And fully connect with your inner Feminine Mystic As you are drawn to the healing arts, clairvoyance, intuition, divination, the Akashic Records and the Divine Feminine. 

You long for a greater connection with Soul & desire to pull that abundance card the Ace of Cups now in your life. Along with the Queen of Pentacles, then you know you are well on your way to manifesting the life you dream of. The financial prosperity, the love. the opportunities. 

You are ready to put yourself first.

 Falling in love with your Shadow

Rose Teachings Healing the Mother Line & Ancestral Line  

Here is some of what's Included in Mystery School

Discover your Past LIfe influences

Access your souls wisdom & Blueprint  

Channel the Feminine Mystic

Visit your past lives to investigate and understand what is influencing you today.  Do you have a pattern of attracting all the wrong relationships.  Do you self sabotage in relationships?
Do you struggle manifesting abundance?  Are you drawn to certain places, passions, people?  

Visioning & creating new akashic records. 
Energy mastery - creating new beliefs and structures to quantum leap & collapse the timelines, to step into your Empress energy 
* Workshop 
Going into our Akashic Records to discover past life Influences
* Live group session.

* Working with the energies of Mother Mary & the Grandmothers, accessing the divine feminine wisdom centres that hold the ancient wisdom

Working with the energies of the Divine Feminine, Mother Mary, Mary Magdelene to help us release, heal and transform

Connecting with your inner mother. And the Great Mother. 

Live Workshop
* Sister Circle

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & Breathwork Sessions for those that wish to connect with the Divine Feminine (Shakti) energy.  In a more powerful way available each week.

Discovering our soul gifts, our primary & secondary soul gifts.  Are you a communicator soul?  A healer?  A speaker, etc.

Reclaim your inner Witch! Heal the feminine wound. Share your voice.

All these will make a difference to how you channel your energies and how best to channel them for your own happiness and success and in your life and biz if you have one. 

* Witch Wound Workshop, accessing the divine feminine wisdom centres that hold the
ancient wisdom
* Sister Circle

Time to reflect & embody what you have experienced. 

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Session will still be this week.

We will be exploring Channeling by connecting with the Inner Mystic.   Gain crystal clear clarity on your predominant intuitive gifts and heighten these.  If you have joined Sarah in her Intuitive/psychic Dev Circle brilliant this will take your development further. 

You will be given lots of practical tools this week to practice & expand your intuition & psychic gifts, the clairs.  These are part of the mysteries within every woman that unlock her divine powers.

Discover how to conduct a soul reading for yourself and others.  How to be a conduit for the spirit collective & your talent team.

Discover the Oracle & Tarot as tools. Psychometry, and other divination tools to help you master your intuition. 

Not just to read the meanings but tune into the different energies. 
* Live Workshop


Become aware of what's triggering, blocking you from living your highest truth.  Experiential abandonment wound workshop. Releasing karmic patterns, cycles, limiting beliefs and old stories that no longer serve us. 

Raising your vibration to the loving, confident, empowered, wise, Goddess you are.  Working with feminine archetypes and the energies of the Divine Feminine. 

Medicine Woman/Wise Woman Archeytpe to help us release, heal and transform.  

* Receive embodiment practices, mantra, meditation & mindset tools, for removing blocks & limiting beliefs.  

* Sacred Ceremony & Embodiment Workshop
   * Live group session

Week 1 & 2

Week 3 &4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 10,11,12

Week 7 ,8,9

Early birdie extended £795.  Payment plans in place.  All LIVE with Sarah.  Total value £2000.  You pay £795.  Live workshops. We will be using both Zoom for workshops.  

Q & A & Coaching & Sister Circles!  Private FB group.  Meditations, Modules.  LIVE 10 hours.      Everything is recorded, so you need not miss a thing!  Modules subject to change. Integration week no sessions. Time to reflect & integrate.

If you have any questions please contact sarah@sarahdyer.co.uk.  If you would like to join us send payment to sarah@sarahdyer.co.uk at Paypal. 

Please note that we believe in the quality of our work and have a no cancellations & refund policy.  So please make sure you are ready to commit. 

Integration week

 life of your dreams

You've come this far, so what are you waiting for, now trust your intuition! 

You deserve to have

let me tell you about the sisters I serve!

You are the seekers, the light workers, the healers, the coaches, the soul centered, passionate women and the mumma's.  You feel your magic deep inside and desire to connect with & express this.

You desire to make a bigger contribution to the world now, but in a way that is right for you.  So far life feels like you have been doing it for everyone else, family, friends, children, but now you know you have a calling.  And you long to fulfil this and remember who you are. 

You are seeking a sacred sisterhood of  women who get you.  You are looking for connection with like minded spirited women who like you have a story to tell, even though they wear life's battle scars, they are eager to open up to more for themselves.  And seeking that big-time accountability to make those quantum leaps.  

And looking for a deeper connection with your own soul.

You're looking for someone that gets you, that can see, feel and hear what's really going on with you 

You want to feel you are living your best life, to be attracting what you deserve.  It's for the women who are ready to rise up & done with the hiding!  Done with playing small.  For women that are no longer available to settle.  In jobs, relationships, salaries, or anything that no longer serves them.  If you're reading this it's for you Sister.   It's for the rising feminine leaders. 

You are ready to put into your put on your crown. And step into the empowered, gifted, connected, heart centered, soul inspired Goddess! 

You're ready to OWN your own power.

You are ready to stop hiding!

You are ready to Rise & give yourself what you deserve! 


Who You Are...

Love Notes!

"I travelled the world for wisdom but never left my home!"

The transformation in Empress Rising, Mystery School" is priceless. And hard to put into words.  I was able to let go and dive into my life and truly heal.  I became stronger, discovered and heightened my gifts, connected more with who I was and met like minded souls.  All areas of my life have been transformed in a way I wasn't expecting. It was all done in a way that was not scary or difficult but empowering, fun and inspiring.  You dive into the mysteries and into your own sacred template.  Today I am filled with a joy in my life, I've grown spiritually and beyond grateful for having found Sarah. "

Cathy Pomeville

It is like I travelled the world for wisdom but never left my home! 

"Anyone that gets the chance to work with Sarah is in for a treat. She's the real deal! 

"If I hadn’t hired her 6 months ago my life would be VERY different than it is now. I was just starting to come out of my lowest point after taking an online course and thought I was on the mend. I didn’t know I still really needed help until I got on a discovery call with her and within minutes burst into tears (something I NEVER do).

She has been amazing in helping me heal from some past trauma and in the process of doing so helped me discover a passion for helping women in a similar situation to me.

Working with her has been great! She’s patient, intuitive, funny and has a way about her that puts you at ease. She has even managed to get me do something I have a phobia about ... being on camera."


She has a true gift of connection, of knowing and you can tell when you speak with her ... magic!

"So appreciative as I listened for about the 5th time to my session again with Sarah - what an amazing experience! Sarah really helped me put some pieces together that lately have been eluding me. I've been holding things at arms length, not truly letting my gifts and creativity out of a box in which I seem to have locked them away.

Sarah helped me unlock and truly see and feel the things I could sense were there. She has a true gift of connection...of knowing, and you can tell when you speak with her, magic. I highly recommend giving her a shout if you're feeling like you're so close you can taste it but something seems to be holding you back."


"You are such a gift to the people that get to work with you!"

"I can't even thank you enough for being on my path when I most needed you without knowing consciously that I was even looking.  you are such a gift to the people that get to work with you and I will be forever thankful that Amy shared your live feed on my birthday and that I was able to connect with you on the start of my own person new year & experience the deep dive with Mystery School, for the Empress Rising Program! 


"She truly is an amazing & gifted Intuitive Channel, Coach and Healer, and it has been an absolute pleasure working with her over the last several months

Since day one, I had a connection with Sarah. She helped breathe life into me when I felt like I was at a loss with growing my spiritual business. Truly scared in investing in myself, she really believed in me and just not only provided me with a road map to get my business up and going, but the mindset and energy work that is vital to staying high vibe and in the flow, giving me the confidence to manifest everything I wanted for myself and business.

Sarah also took a deep dive into my Akashic Records to share with me my main two gifts and channeled messages to let me know that what I have dreamt of and so much more, is on its way, confirming for me that I am on the right path! ! Thank you SO much, Sarah!! You are truly the best!!""

Kristine Folkes

"She gave me an intense sense of security and comfort. Her knowledge is empowering"

"I've never been blessed to work with an Intuitive Healer, Channel, Medium and Coach all in one. Sarah is a true visionary. WHOA! It has taken me several days to digest and write this. My grandmother was with us the entire time. So many reassurances came through. Everything Sarah said made so much sense. Sarah could not have known who my grandmother was, how she lived or how she died. Sarah kept touching her own head at one point...how would she have known that my grandmother spent her last minutes on this earth stroking my hair. Sarah started to get really hoarse to the point of needing a sip of water. She knew my grandmother had something in her throat. It was a breathing tube. And she sensed something wrong with her chest/lungs. She had emphysema. It was not the kind of session I had envisioned. It was a million times better. Sarah gave me wisdom and guidance too as she tuned into my higher self & Spirit.  She helped me get clear & make shifts.   I look forward to working with Sarah again in the future.  You will not regret a second of your time with her. Sarah, I can't thank you enough for your guidance. Blessings!"


one time Payment - save 15%

one time - save 15%

£795 early bird

£995 + 1-1  session
early bird

 8 weeks

 8 weeks

payment plan available

*Beautiful workbooks
• LIVE Weekly Workshops (recorded) 
• Private FB Group with Sisters
• Weekly Q&A.
* Live Group Coaching, 
FB sacred space with your Sisters
*Goddess Circles 

•  Includes all the above plus 1 private 1-1 session with Sarah, for those who wish to deepen their experience.  

A one hour private coaching session is usually £400.  You pay £200.

I WANT in!


Payment plans available so you can split the payments into 2/3/4 whatever works for you.  With 15% instalment fee.

 Details on application.

Get the Scoop here

An Aries and obsessed with boho, books, coffee and my yoga mat. (And my fur baby Milo!)  A modern day mystic at heart so love the oracle too. I have turned my life into my dreams of travel, connection, sisterhood, an international spiritual business doing what I love.

But it wasn't always this way, I struggled for a while trying to find my place in the world. To find a sense of peace too. Doubting myself, in fear of messing up, fear of being judged, not feeling good enough, which effected my work and my relationships.  I found myself in very toxic relationships. 

I dove into my past, into generational trauma, conditioning, patterns and limited thinking, cracked myself open.  Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I began healing and expanding in my own life.

So I'm here to help you find your magic, connect with your inner wisdom, intuition, gifts and medicine.  Finding your voice to speak your truth.  No more hiding. Using a combination of energy healing, sacred feminine practices, transformational coaching, intuitive and psychic work, as well as kundalini yoga prescribed kriyas I will help you find your reconnect with your magic.

Tapping into your inner Goddess, your mystical powers, and feminine wisdom, to become the visionary leader, teacher, CEO or Mom you've come here to be. Fully awakened in her Goddess energy.  And it's all about Energy!  From your health to your bank account.   

Hey love!!  

I'm Sarah

Sat Nam beauty

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Photography @littlehippievan

© Copyright belongs to Sarah Dyer 2020 - 2024