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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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Imagine a love so profound that it defies time and space, a connection that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. This is the essence of a twin flame connection, a union that promises separation, transformation, and ultimately, a profound reunion. In this soulful exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of twin flames and the transformative path they tread.

A twin flame connection is often characterized by an immediate and irresistible attraction. It’s as though you’ve known this person your entire life, even if you’ve just met. This spiritual bond awakens a sense of purpose and growth that surpasses any other relationship you’ve encountered.

But here’s the truth about twin flames: their journey is far from ordinary.

One of the most perplexing aspects of a twin flame connection is the concept of separation. Unlike conventional relationships, twin flames often experience periods of physical or emotional distance. It’s not uncommon for one partner to become the “runner,” seeking space and solitude, while the other becomes the “chaser,” longing for reunion.

This separation is not a sign of failure or an indication that the connection is fading. Instead, it serves a profound purpose. It forces both individuals to confront their inner demons and unresolved issues, often mirroring each other’s deepest fears and wounds.

Twin flames mirror each other’s wounds, both past and present. They reflect the parts of themselves that need healing and growth. The pain and turmoil that arise during separation are like a crucible where old wounds come to the surface.

In this intense mirroring, twin flames have the opportunity for profound transformation. They witness each other’s struggles and vulnerabilities, offering support and nurturing to the wounded parts of their partner. It’s through this mirroring and mutual growth that they evolve individually.

Here’s the beautiful truth: twin flames are destined to reunite, but only after they’ve done the inner work. This journey of inner healing and self-discovery is intensely personal, and it’s not a path that can be rushed. It requires self-reflection, confronting childhood wounds, healing trauma, and cultivating self-love and self-awareness.

The reunion, when it finally occurs, is a testament to the resilience and growth of both individuals. It’s a coming together of two whole and healed souls, ready to embrace the depth of their connection.

But not all twin flames come together. It depends on whether they do the healing work required. If not, they may go their separate ways. So, it’s best not to wait around, hoping for a reunion that may never happen. You could be missing someone who’s right under your nose, someone who’s ready to love and support you on your journey.

The journey of twin flames is a remarkable one, filled with challenges, growth, and, for some, a profound reunion. It’s a path that defies conventional notions of love and connection, leading individuals to confront their deepest wounds and emerge stronger, wiser, and ready for a profound reunion, or possibly a different path altogether.

So, as you explore the world of twin flames and their unique journey, remember that it’s not just about the separation and reunion; it’s about the transformation that occurs within each individual along the way. It’s a journey of self-discovery, healing, and the profound wisdom that true love is worth the wait, but not at the expense of missing out on the love that’s available to you in the present moment.

Catch the episode on The Truth About Twine Flames on HER Sacred Medicine Podcast here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2182651/13511117-the-truth-about-twin-flames-separation-transformation-and-reunion.mp3?download=true

The Truth About Twin Flames: Separation, Transformation, and Reunion


The Truth About Twin Flames: Separation, Transformation, and Reunion

September 1, 2023









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

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