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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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Martin-2009A-Head-11-150x150Martin Brofman, 69 Switzerland, International Workshop Leader & Author of Anything can be Healed, claims he healed himself from spinal cancer

“I was working on Wall Street living the so called, ‘American dream,’ but inside I was deeply unhappy.   In January 1975, the symptoms started. I was unable to walk properly and suffered severe pains in the neck and my right arm was paralysed.  I became terribly ill and was diagnosed in April that year with Spinal Cancer.

Doctors explained that surgery was essential but not without it’s risks – I could end up a quadriplegic or even die during surgery.  I went through a host of emotions, the things people go through when they are facing the worst possible scenario… death.  Eventually I reached an area of acceptance, it was a very intense moment like this wave of energy passed through me.  After this colours were bright and my senses more alive.  I felt totally present and accepted the possibility of dying.

My surgeon was unable to remove the tumor without cutting the spinal cord, so leaving the tumor untouched they sent me home with a few months to live unless I coughed or sneezed – they explained this could kill me immediately.  This period of my life was like having a conversation with death.

As the months passed I decided if I lived until the New Year I was going to celebrate on vacation in Martinique in the Caribbean.   It was here my life changed.  I met a Zen Master who was staying at the same resort.  We sat talking over a drink about life, healing and consciousness, something which interested me considerably.  He told me, ‘It’s all in the mind, and that’s precisely where you need to go to get rid of it.’  He introduced me to the Silvar Method, which is a combination of meditation, visualisation’s and affirmations.

Time was not on my side and I didn’t want to die, so mustering all the strength and determination I could to beat it, I embarked on a journey of self-healing and discovery.  I started meditating everyday, believing wholeheartedly I was already healed and constantly affirming to myself I was getting better, even when the striking pains struck.

I played with daily visualisations, imagining being in the doctors room and being told on my next examination that the tumor had disappeared.

Two months later I returned to hospital for an examination to be told exactly that … the tumor had vanished!  Doctor’s could find no sign of the lump and no explanation for its disappearance.

I realised that the Cancer was a metaphor for the stressful lifestyle I had been living, so I made a decision to release it.  At this time I was researching Eastern traditions and esoteric philosophies and consciousness.

This spurred me on create the Body, Mirror System, which looks at the body as a map of the consciousness.   A symptom in particular part of body reflects tension in the consciousness resulting from some area of you life that is not in balance. You can see a connection between what is happening in the body and the consciousness.  To release the symptom on physical level you have to release tension in the consciousness by changing the way you think and respond to your environment.

I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but Cancer gave me a gift, it was a real teacher for me to start living and doing what makes me happy.  I now teach Body, Mirror System workshops in the UK and abroad helping others to heal themselves.”

Note… Complementary medicine should only be used in concert with traditional medicine.

Martin Brofman’s website:  www.healer.ch/

Inspirational Stories

Body Mirror System Healing

March 10, 2011

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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