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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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Anna Parkinson, 55 Kent, BBC Producer, Journalist & Author
Anna claims she healed herself from a Brain Tumor. She has moved on to help others using the Body Mirror System, pioneered by Martin Brofman, Healer and Author of Anything can be Healed.

“The crippling headaches started in June 1997 and for some years after this I was backwards and forwards to the hospital, but no one reached a diagnosis. Doctors put the headaches and double vision down to migraine, only I knew it was more serious than just migraine as the headaches worsened and the double vision and dizziness became a daily occurrence. Then in Autumn 2002 after suddenly being struck by breathtaking pains to the back of the head I was summoned to my local Neurology Department. This time the consultant said it was a brain tumor and it had to come out either by cutting down the side of my nose or lifting my brain to one side and taking it out that way. This news left my husband and I speechless.

But, luckily as it turned out, the surgeon, Mr. Michael Powell at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London told me he couldn’t operate as the tumor was growing around the carotid artery.

After being delivered what felt like a slow death sentence, I was forced to wonder, ‘what can I do about this?’ The medical experts could do nothing so I realised I needed to take responsibility for my own body. I wasn’t prepared to give up or die. My half sister, Sarah Jane had been sending me information on Martin Brofman, a healer who she’d heard speaking in London. I had had no experience of healing before and was hesitant, but realised I had nothing to lose. I made an appointment with Martin and he explained that he worked with the idea that the body is a mirror of the consciousness. My healing with Martin helped me see how the tumor was connected with childhood emotions that stemmed from a difficult relationship with my father. This had caused tensions in my body that eventually manifested as disease.

The medical experts could do nothing so I realised I needed to take responsibility for my own body.

The revelation that came next clinched it for me. I had been writing a book about an ancestor called John Parkinson. He was Charles I’s herbalist and published important books about herbs in the 17th Century. One of these was priceless to my father who had died in 1995. Immediately after the healing I realised that I was unearthing my ancestor’s history to make some kind of connection with my father, I had even written, ‘I never lived with my father,’ in the second sentence of my book. At the age of 42 I still believed deep down that he wasn’t interested in me. I knew now I had to release these feelings I had carried around for so long if I was going to continue to heal.

For many months I continued my healing myself using meditating to release old feelings and iStock_000000597322XSmall-300x199visualising my recovery daily – imagining the diseased cells dissolving and being taken away. I became more in touch with myself and understood how my emotions and thoughts create my reality.

Scans taken over the next few years at regular intervals showed the tumor to be shrinking, by December 2005 I was discharged by the hospital as the tumor was declared insignificant. I am convinced this was due to the healing and visualising it as gone.

I consider my illness to have been a great blessing. It changed my life and forced me to take responsibility for what happens to me. When you have a life threatening condition, it puts your life into perspective so my illness was my teacher. I learned the Body Mirror System of Healing from Martin so that I have an almost magical tool that I use to heal others in my practice, and I now remind myself daily to live the way I want to.

Anna Parkinson’s website: www.hunahealing.co.uk

Note: Complimentary health should only be used in concert with modern medicine.

Inspirational Stories

I Never Knew My Father…

March 20, 2011









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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