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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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Last Thursday was one of those Celestine Prophecy moments.

And I’m sure by now many of you have read and are all familiar with the spellbinding adventures of the Celestine Prophecy Series written by New York Times Bestselling Author, James Redfield. And how in the 12 Insight he opens us up to another world, another reality by raising our consciousness and tapping into Intuition.

I had plans to see the well loved Author, Marianne Williamson speak in Covent Garden, London.  And yet from the moment I left my house I could sense a stirring of events which were about to unfold which left me wondering if I was going to make it to London in time to see her, since I had to be there early on the door to get in!

By 3 pm I’m sitting on the train comfortably nestled into my chair, drinking Latte and taking some ‘me time,’ with The Sharman in Stelletos, by Anna Hunt, (its one to read by the way if you haven’t already. Anna’s adventures with the alluring Peruvian Sharman in the Amazon jungle are engaging to say the least).  I’m  right in the middle of what I think is going to be a steamy bit and a voice comes over the speaker…”We have just been informed that this train has to stop at Colchester. News has just come in that the lines are down at Stratford.

So for the next hour we sat at Colchester station, waiting.  I was now going to be pushing it to get there on time let alone early.  (I had no ticket so was advised to get there early on the door just in case there were people with tickets that didn’t turn up).

But I still felt I had to go and could hear my inner voice pleading with me. ‘GO! There is another reason to why you are going, the Universe is not putting you through this for nothing.’  Hearing this I decided to let intuition lead.  However crazy this now seemed as  logic said to turnaround and Go home.  Being very intuitive I usually try my hardest to listen and follow through on the gentle nudges.   Sadly enough by the time I eventually reached Endell Street, in Covent Garden where Marianne was speaking I had to join a long cue and unfortunately never made it in.

But my inner voice was whispering…’There is another reason you are here.’  Sighing to myself, I laughed and said, ‘show me then!’…As I turned to go, a face that was staring directly at me caught my attention.   It was Dr Laura Nelson, someone I had met a couple of years ago. Who is known on the Speaker Circuit.  Instantly I felt tingling all down the back of my head, I knew I was mean’t to speak to her, then I could see a pale green energy hovering above her head!  It wasn’t her aura.  It’s my sign when something is a big ‘YES’ for me it’s like a pale green energy forms.   So I started following the dots, as I call it to see where intuition was taking me next.

I had been taken of course for the day, a 2 hour journey had turned into 4. But, I still felt confident that the Universe hadn’t made me sit through all this for nothing, and sure enough it hadn’t,  my Celestine Prophecy moment had arrived in the form of Dr Laura Nelson.  Both on the same wave length, stood there laughing and saying, ‘ok, so what’s going to happen next? What is this all about ‘… neither of us could get in so we knew there was something further to be explored. So we went with it…

Twenty minutes later we are sitting in a Restaurant in Covent Garden – Great conversation, laughs, good food, bottle of Pinot Noir, while strategising over a potential future project.  More importantly a lot of messages and answers unfolded in our conversation, (as it does, people are sent to us for a reason) and us to them.  A whole lot of synchronicity unfolded and the conception of something exciting.

So you never know what the Universe has planned, our Higher Self often has another plan, a better plan.  Often where we think we need to go, is not always the case.  But when we can discover The Art of Living Magically by moving OUT of our own way and allowing the Universe to do its thing…by not getting stuck in the details, everything changes as it dances to the beat of our Spirit…for miracles to unfold.  That aside I would have loved to see Marianne – so next time!


Big Love

Sarah x








A Celestine Prophecy Moment!

August 1, 2014









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

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