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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

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Today, I had one of those light bulb moments and was stopped in my tracks, to find myself re-evaluating life once again, looking in from the outside.  I saw myself looking though the lens of the soul.  I crossed paths with an incredible young lady, who reminded me of God’s special gift  LIFE!! 

At the mere age’s of 17 and 19 we were both delivered life changing experiences that left us with severe head injuries, internal bleeding, amongst other injuries, leaving us both fighting for our lives in intensive care under different circumstances.  I was left with the after effects of a Stroke and paralysed on the right side of my body down, couldn’t speak without slurring, sounding like I was drunk and reverted back to the emotional age of a child again.

This lady, a courageous soul was paralysed from the neck down and left for dead after being raped and flung from a 75 ft cliff.  Her mission now is to help others wake up to the Gift they’ve been given.  I was so struck by her story, it brought me to tears knowing that I had had such a life changing experience myself and yet in my early 30’s I allowed myself to forget who I really was at my core and the spirit of life,  lost in life’s struggles, my stories and drama, before being hit by another boulder at the age of 34 to start shaking me out of my deluded bubble.

And life always finds a way of doing this, usually when we continue to ignore the inner nudges from our own intuition that are telling us something is out of alignment in our lives and we need to course correct, e.g. we feel stuck and suppressed in a relationship that is not bringing out the best in us, or in a job which we hate or we are experiencing extreme stress in our business. Life usually finds a way to wake us up.

Usually in the form of a symptom or illness. Stress in our life is the biggest cause of illness, so any imbalances in our life shows up in the form of stress or fear and when allowed to become too intense moves to the body.  Your body is mirror reflection of what is going on in your conscious and unconscious mind, so any intense stress or fear can manifest in the form of a symptom or dis-ease in the body – the Wake Up call!!!   From my own experience, research, and the incredible people I have interviewed, in my work there is much room for this conversation.

I do believe that we can heal our bodies from so much with faith, belief, the right tools and mindset.  Most of all by opening up to loving ourselves unconditionally and allowing ourselves to just be who we really are.  Listening to what our body wants to tell us, tuning into this intuitively.  We know ourselves and our bodies better than anyone and can do so much to bring ourselves back into wholeness.  I could say so much about this and will in another article.

God delivers his miracles and gifts in so many ways and we were given ours – a wake up call and another LIFE!!   God, Universe, Higher Self call it what you will, its all the same thing.  For anyone having suffered severe trauma which has had a profound effect on your life psychologically, emotionally or physically, it shakes you up, helping you realise that you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff! And it’s all small stuff, (even if you do need reminding from time to time).  And I have to hold my hands up to this, as I not only received a wake up call once, but twice and I don’t want anymore. This lady’s story blew me away as she reminded once again of who I am. I am spirit having a human experience, which means its okay f..k up from time to time, make mistakes, take a wrong turn, or whatever else is thrown into the mix as this is all part of being human, so its okay to fall of the wagon from time to time.  The important thing is to keep loving who you are.iStock_000012840145XSmall-200x300

We are all special and unique in our own ways, with so much to give to one another, when we can just get out of our monkey – ego minds and live fearlessly.   Fear, hooks us up and keeps us in chains, showing itself in the form of competition, jealousy, anger and depression. Our only job is to keep reminding ourselves of the loving beings we are at our core and that we are already as we should be … perfect! There is nothing to change.  So give yourself a break, don’t sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff at the end of the day…the ego just tries to convince us otherwise. Its more frightened than we actually are. At our core we are powerful, spiritual beings, and when we stay tuned to this and out of the drama and stories that the ego loves to play and keep flowing down our joy path in whatever way it is for us, believing in ourselves and each other, life can then deliver its miracles.

We just have to keep reminding ourselves to put one foot forward and watch the Universe/Our Spirit deliver the other.  Spirit, works in the most incredible ways.  Always by our side, giving us the signs, messages and synchronicities to help us on our path.  We are never really lost, that’s just the work of the ego tricking us into believing we are, as spiritual beings we are always where we should be. And whatever direction we take always takes us to where we are mean’t to be eventually even if we occasionally feel we have been cast adrift without an anchor.

All you have to do is follow your joy path, what lights you up and you’ll stay in sync town.  Life’s miracles are surrounding us every minute of the day and lining up for us, it’s a self organising Universe, that only wants us reach our highest potentials and possibilities in life … so when you feel you’ve missed one opportunity don’t sweat it as another one is already lined up … just open your eyes and you will see the forms they come in.  The people, the signs, the messages, the lyrics in a song, listen to your intuition and see what it is telling you.

Every breathe you take, every step you take, every moment you get to smile at a loved one … cherish it!! You never know when its the last for them or you!  Your life is a miracle so keep living it that way, don’t wait for something profound to come knocking at your door to shake you out of the deluded bubble the ego has you caught up in.  All the material trappings in the world are not going to bring you happiness, this is an inside job!  Prosperity is a great thing and we all want that but nothing external to you brings you ultimate happiness this is inner work and learning to love yourself.

Living fearlessly, is something many of us could try to do, by simply giving ourselves a break and the permission to just be who we are, to stop worrying about what others think, or how they are judging us, to just BE!  And most of all to stop judging ourselves.

Love Sx


Personal Development

Don’t wait for that ‘Wake Up’ call!

August 13, 2013









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

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