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Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

You’re a racontour for LOVE! You were given wings so get ready to fly! It’s been challenging for many right now just after the Solstice but this weekend we must stay true to ourselves. New pathways according to astrologers are being made in our brains to make room for new patterns. Find that so fascinating. So, don’t give up on what you feel you are here to do, however challenging it has felt.
The right people will be sent to you or you to them at the perfect time! We are all here to teach and learn something from one another.

We just have to remember one thing…All the world wants is our truth, when we show up with this it bleeds from our words, our message and our stories and touches our tribe, they feel and hear it on a deep level and they know they have found you… they’ve been looking for you! They recognise you. You may think you are here to make money, you may think that you’re here to have yourself featured on the front cover of a magazine… (and we do need to hear your message and your story) but what you really here for is to be a rocketeer for love on the front cover. To reach out, to heal, to speak your truth in a way that hits the core of someone’s being to help them shine and take their light out into the world!

Yesterday I had a conversation with a client she was such a beautiful soul, she said she recognised me, she had had a premonition and seen my face before in a dream. She knew who I was on another level entirely. I loved that! The workings of the miraculous…The day before another client says to me as she soon as she decided to work with me on a Programme, she’s laughed as she noticed the time 11:11! Loved that too. I’m forever in awe of the signs we are given. Spirit/Universe call it what you will speaking to us … working through us..when we stay in that space of speaking our truth, channeling the universal messages we are able to reach and share our gifts, with all the right people! You have your wings open them.


You’re a Raconteur for Love!

June 23, 2015









Check out the Free 20 min soul Alignment sessions if your'e feeling stuck or overwhelmed! 

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 I'm Sarah, an Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker & Intuitive Channel!  Living in England.  Love the woods, love the beach, love the snow! More importantly love helping you get your Goddess on! 

tell me more!

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